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Startup Visa Program

SJP Immigration Inc. can help you resettle to Canada as a startup visa entrepreneur

Immigrate to Canada as a Startup Entrepreneur –  The Federal Startup Visa Business Class 


The federal Startup Visa Program sometimes spelled Start-up Visa Program was created by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to allow startup business entrepreneurs with skills and potential to launch, build or expand a startup company in Canada. This program is available federally, which means in all provinces and territories where there is a designated organization to issue authorization for your Startup company (besides the province of Quebec). The Startup Visa program is geared towards entrepreneurs and companies that are innovative, can create jobs for Canadians, and can compete on a global scale.  

Startup Visa Program Requirements 

Compared to other immigration pathways to Canada, the Startup Visa program has some of the least stringent requirements of any program for immigration to Canada. This is because perhaps the most challenging aspects are obtaining the support of a designated organization through participation in an incubation program or by investment. This requires bona fide intentions of building a startup business in Canada and the applicant must meet the requirements by definition of the designated organization. Otherwise, the requirements are listed below: 

1) Meet the language requirements (CLB 5) 

2) Proof of funds to settle in Canada (minimum required) 

3) Intend to expand, build or launch a startup business in Canada and receive support by investment through a designated angel investor or venture capital organization, or a commitment certificate from a designated business incubator. 

*These requirements are in addition to the requirements for you are your family for admissibility to Canada. 

Even though the requirements for an applicant are lean, the most challenging aspect for bona fide applicants is to find a business incubator that believes in your business model and can grant you a commitment certificate or can invest in your business (in terms of angel or venture capital organizations).  

What is a startup business? 

A startup business is a business that seeks to disrupt a traditional market to develop and validate a scalable, repeatable business model to pursue rapid growth and user acquisition. Startups are fundamentally different from small businesses because the main driver of a small business is to generate profits by serving a local market (ie. A grocery store, or restaurant). Startups tend to gain traction from growth and with a focus on a global scale, and often deploy proprietary systems or technology to disrupt traditional markets (UberEats, or Instacart). A cab company would be a traditional business model, whereas Uber and Lyft are startup models. A newspaper would be a traditional media enterprise, whereas Facebook would be considered a startup model. 

If you are seeking to work and obtain Permanent Residency in Canada through the Startup Visa Program for you and your family, you must have a startup business model or concept you intend to or can begin working on in Canada or have the skills and capital to do so. The startup business class generally speaks to three potential types of applicants: 

1) You already have a startup business model overseas and wish to expand this model to Canada and immigrate through this process. 

2) You already have a traditional business model overseas and wish to expand a potentially viable startup model variation within Canada and immigrate through this process. 

3) You have neither a traditional or startup business model overseas, however, you have the skills, background, experience and/or capital to build and launch a startup business in Canada and wish to immigrate through this process. 

In any case, you must have the funds and be willing and able to continue pursuing your startup business model in Canada during your application for Permanent Residence (processing can be upwards of 2 years). You must have bona fide intentions to grow your business in Canada. 

How can SJP Immigration assist? 

Steven J. Paolasini has supported many successful applications for Startup Visa business class applications. In particular, the co-founder Steven Paolasini is involved in the startup community in Western Canada and is passionate about disruptive startup business models. SJP Immigration Inc. can represent Startup Visa entrepreneurs on their applications to IRCC for permanent residency and work permits.  

SJP Immigration Inc. provides a pre-qualification service for potential Startup Visa business class applicants. Through this process, we evaluate whether you fall into the definition of a Startup Visa business class applicant and are eligible for the Startup Visa program. 

The following form is a pre-qualification questionnaire with basic requirements. Once completed, if you meet the basic requirements and SJP Immigration Inc. is of the opinion that you and your family may be eligible for a Startup Visa business class, we are happy to provide a complimentary 1-hour consultation on next steps and the process. 

Am I eligible for the Startup Visa Pathway?

If you are admissible to Canada and meet the requirements of a startup visa entrepreneur, you may be eligible to immigrate to Canada through this pathway. Please complete the intake form on SJP Immigration, and we will discuss in our 1-hour initial onboarding session the requirements of your specific case. 

How do I apply for the Startup Visa pathway?

You cannot apply for a work permit or permanent residence, before obtaining a commitment certificate from a designated organization. SJP Immigration recommends having all the relevant documents in order before receiving a commitment certificate with a designated organization. SJP Immigration also recommends using the assistance of a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant that is specialized in startup visa applications for a smooth application and to minimize common errors on first-time applicants. 

How does SJP Immigration help with the Startup Visa pathway?

We provide assistance to our Startup visa applicants by acting as a registered third party on work permits and permanent residency applications for you and your dependents when making submissions to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. We also act as your interested party and partner when applying to various designated organizations, angel investors, or venture capital organizations in Canada. 

Does SJP Immigration help with my startup business model or during the processing of my application?

The purpose of the designated organization is to help establish your business in Canada. If retained, SJP Immigration is available during the entire process with recommendations, timelines, and milestones to give your application and your business, the best chance of success. 

Can SJP Immigration guarantee me a commitment certificate?

We cannot guarantee that you will be accepted by any business incubator or that a designated angel investor or venture capital organization will invest in your company. We do however, have working relationships with genuine business incubators which are designated, and we are actively involved in Canada’s startup scene. We can provide introductions for our clients and can assist with your business model as required to support your acceptance by a business incubator. 

Is the Startup Visa in Express Entry?

No, Express Entry is a tool used for processing permanent residents for workers of the Federal Skilled Worker Class, Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skills Trades Class as well as Provincial Nominees through Express Entry. 

What is a startup business?

A startup business is different from a traditional business model in that it's global, is disruptive to current markets, and uses an innovative (new) business model. There is no black and white explanation or dividing line between what makes a business traditional or startup model, and it is up to the designated organization and IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship) to ultimately determine this definition for purposes of the SUV program. Kaizen Immigration Services can assist in helping you determine your startup business model. To assist in your understanding, a startup business seeks growth and user acquisition as its primary objective whereas a traditional business has profit as its main motive. Typically, startup businesses utilize some form of proprietary system or technology, and a key differentiator is the ability for a startup business to be able to scale rapidly with increasing demand of its product or service. 

What are the language requirements?

To be granted permanent residence under the Startup Visa business class a benchmark CLB 5 level language skills in either English or French are mandatory.  

Do I need to have a formal education?

Education is not a requirement for the Startup Visa pathway, however, education that is relevant to your business idea/concept/model may prove to be valuable to a designated organization wishing to accept you into their incubator or invest capital in your business (in the case of venture capital or angel investors). 

How long until I receive my Permanent Residency?

From the date of receipt and submission, current processing times are indicated between 12 and 16 months for granting of permanent residence. For updated processing times, please visit this link: 

Can I get a work permit before my PR?

Once you have received a commitment certificate from a designated organization, you are eligible to apply for a work permit to come to Canada as an entrepreneur to work on your startup business. SJP Immigration is able to assist in your application for a startup visa work permit. 

How long is my work permit valid?

Your work permit will be issued for a period of up to 1 year by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. 

Can I extend my work permit?

Yes, you are eligible to extend your work permit as long as your Startup Visa Permanent Residency application is in process, and you continue to meet the conditions upon which your work permit was issued. This means, you continue to work in Canada on your startup business. Kaizen Immigration Services is familiar with the work permit extension process and can assist you in your application to maintain your work status in Canada as an entrepreneur. 

Will I have to leave Canada if my work permit expires while PR is in process?

You will only have to leave Canada if your status expires (you have not extended your work permit). 

What steps are required to establishing my business in Canada?

During the time required to process your application and the duration you are on your work permit for the Startup Visa Program, it is expected that you establish and register your business in Canada appropriately and with the correct shareholding structure and control. SJP Immigration is able to assist and support you in this process for the relevant provincial authority you are operating in. 

I already have a business in Canada, am I eligible?

You may be eligible if your business is defined as a startup, or you can transition the model into one and are able to receive a commitment certificate. There may also need restructuring done to meet the share structure required as you must have majority control within your Canadian business. 

If my startup fails, will my PR be refused?

IRCC understands that the majority of startup businesses fail. The objective of this program is to bring startup entrepreneurs to Canada. Your Permanent Residence will not be in jeopardy if you continue to work on growing your startup business. It is acceptable for your business to pivot as necessary, as that is an expected reality of running as a startup. 

What if my startup business changes?

Your startup business is expected to change and pivot as the market demands. So long as you continue to meet the definition of a startup business entrepreneur and your job duties have not changed significantly, you will continue to meet the requirements of the program. 

Can I pay an angel investor or venture capital organization to invest in my business on my behalf for a commitment certificate?

You should not have to pay a designated angel investor or venture capital organization for them to invest in your startup company. This would not be a genuine investment in this case and would jeopardize your permanent residence and future in Canada.  

How much does a business incubator charge for my startup company to be part of their incubation program?

For business incubators, a fair service fee is charged by them and can vary depending on the services they bundle with their offering. This fee must be the same fee charged to Canadians and Permanent Residents for those incubation services. In our experience, fees charged by a genuine designated organization vary based on their services offered but generally should not exceed $50,000 CAD.  

How much money do I need for a successful application?

The only government requirement for a successful permanent residence application is to meet the Low-Income threshold. However, to work on your startup business for 2 years in Canada, live comfortably, join an incubator, retain an immigration services provider, and establish your business with the appropriate, license your business, and grow your business; we recommend that competitive applicants have at least $50,000 in liquid capital or cash. 

I cannot obtain a commitment certificate from an incubator, why?

Business incubators receive thousands of applications every month from prospective entrepreneurs from around the globe to join their startup visa programs. If you are struggling to gain the attention of a business incubator, angel investor, or venture capital firm, SJP Immigration can evaluate your application and provide feedback as to where your shortcomings are relative to the Canadian market. Please complete our intake form and schedule an initial consultation with us for our assistance. 

What is a peer review, in reference to the startup business class?

A peer review is undergone when an IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) officer requests one to protect against fraud by designated organizations and the applicant. SJP Immigration assists startup visa applicants in maintaining their bona fide commitments to IRCC and business incubator by working with the applicant to generate realistic milestones to be achieved while working on their startup, should a peer review process be triggered, and a response be required. This helps to ensure your application has the greatest chance of success. 

Startup Visa Pre-Qualification Form

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